The last post (that's going to be read by Maja)

Dear Mr Anderson

My name is Leila Swartling and I would like to apply for the post as an errand at your company Soap and nalibrushes Inc. I found out about the vacancy last week when I read your advertisement in The Times. I thought immediatly that this is a job practically made for me.

I have had a couple of similar jobs before and I have always got on well with the assignments the job brings. My aunt always buys a nailbrush for me from your company each year and in that way I have had a relation to Soap and nailbrushes Inc. from the very day I was born. On my sparetime i practise runtechniques and football, which is a great way to improve the rapidity in my errands. I am flexible and I always endeavour to do all my tasks better each time. My positive attitude and my never ending humor brings a smile to the most of my companyworkers faces.

I have enclosed my current CV and a letter of introduction from my employer at Tooth Fairy Inc.

In cause of an interview I am avaiable mostly afternoons monday to friday. I would be greatful to work at your company. Thank you for your concideration.


Yours sincerely

Leila Swartling

A crazy, amazing, spectacular, magnificent blogpost


This is the hardest part of this whole thing; to know what to write about. Some kind of animal, my day, an artist or something else. I can write about my day, it's not going to be that inspiring or interesting but I'm sorry, you have to put with it.

I woke up 8 o'clock, rose and got dressed. After the breakfast I began to write my to-do-list:
-Pack (I'm going to Stockholm this weekend, Me and my friend Fidelie have organized a camp that comes off tomorrow! It's within CISV, the organization I wrote about in the former formal post.)
-Write two blogposts (I'm a little embarrassed I haven't done it yet. It happens every time when there's a deadline in some kind of school stuff, you do the mayor part of it the night before handing in.)
-Read the swedish-book (I have read less than a fourth and we will discuss the books tomorrow...)
-Tidy up my room (That's not on the top of my priority-list but, unfortunately it has to be done)

Lets see.... I have done NOTHING of that yet.

Things I HAVE done is to take my dog Sirro out for a walk, see my sisters teatrical performance, freeze my ass off, be happy and to pep up (the camp is going to be exactly as the heading; crazy, amazing, spectacular, magnificent and so on). When I got home from school today I ate dinner and fell asleep, one hour ago I woke up and thought that: Maybe I should begin with my to-do-list. And that is what I am doing right this second.... and this second.... and this second. Don't you think I am an orderly and methodical little girl? (A)

I have an idea.... do you want to know what it is? OK here's the idea:
I will continue to write blogposts on this blog also after the deadline (in english of course).
To be honest with you; I don't think I'm going to manage doing that but I will try.

Other things I want to do but don't have the self-contol to do:
-Stop eating cakes, icecream, candy and similar
-Begin to train
-Get up in the morning early enough to be able to WALK to the bus and not RUN.

I don't think you want to read more of this crap but it's accually kind of fun to write, in spite of the fact that I don't write anything worth writing (or reading) about.

Hugs and kisses, (maybe not kisses, possibly a kiss on the cheek)



CISV is an organization that works for peace in a peculiar way. Doris Allen, a child psychologist, thought that peace is a process and that it should start with children. In 1951 she arranged the first summer village in USA with children from eight countries. She intended to make a connection between the children and with that a connection between the cultures.

Today CISV operates in more than 60 countries and since 1951 over 190,000 people have participated in international activities. Here in Sweden we have several national camps each year, and regional camps and projects are even more common.

CISV believes in "learning by doing". That is when children are given the opportunity to learn out of experience. When friends are made you can understand their cultures better than if you where learning about them sitting in a desk listening to your teacher. In that way CISV also contribute a non-violence conflict resolution: you do not want to fight your friends.

CISV categorize their standpoints into four keystones: sustainable development, diversity, conflict & resolution and human rights.

Do you want to make a change? There are many unoccupied volunteer jobs that involve new friends, new experiences and on top of all a new point of view.

I am Jack's wasted life

My inspiration is hiding somewhere far away from me.

Last week Gabban got a fixed idea and contacted a wrestlingclub. Now she doesn't talk about anything else except their amazing muscels. Today she told me that one of the guys had a crazy haircut and when she explained to me how it looked like I disclosured that it was just like my favourite haircut! I LOVE it! This is one type:

My first lession today is in two hours. I went here (to Midgård) because I have to do some homework, but it doesn't work out very well... Actually I have read some spanich... that's more than nothing... or maybe you could say: less is more ;)

It's so hard to figure out what to write about!

I can write about the title of this blogpost:
I am Jack's wasted life is a movie quote from my favourite movie of all times, Fight Club. The main character (they never really say his name and I don't want to ruin the miraculous perfect ending) and Tyler Durden (you could call him the main characters friend) live together in a condemned house. In the basement the main character finds a children's book with pictures and sentences like: I am Jack's eyes, I help Jack to see. And so on.
In the rest of the movie they use this as an insider joke. I am Jack's nipples. I am Jack's tumour. I am Jack's broken heart. I am Jack's complete lack of suprise.

A movie I've seen recently is Avatar, by James Cameron. He have also made (among other things) Alien, Titanic and all the Terminator movies. James Cameron is good at what he's doing. Imagine, all of the movies he has ever made have become famous. If you haven't seen Avatar yet, see it now :) I have seen it two times 3D on the cinema, and I could waste 150 kr to see it one more time. 

One question: Should i write Movie or Film?

Is this enough? I don't know how much I should write. However, I figured out it's not that hard to write. Presumably I have plenty of grammar and spelling errors (maybe that was one of them, can you write spelling errors?) but I am trying.

And I have figured out a subject to the formal writing thing: CISV! You're looking forward to that don't you? :D

Love <3

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