The last post (that's going to be read by Maja)

Dear Mr Anderson

My name is Leila Swartling and I would like to apply for the post as an errand at your company Soap and nalibrushes Inc. I found out about the vacancy last week when I read your advertisement in The Times. I thought immediatly that this is a job practically made for me.

I have had a couple of similar jobs before and I have always got on well with the assignments the job brings. My aunt always buys a nailbrush for me from your company each year and in that way I have had a relation to Soap and nailbrushes Inc. from the very day I was born. On my sparetime i practise runtechniques and football, which is a great way to improve the rapidity in my errands. I am flexible and I always endeavour to do all my tasks better each time. My positive attitude and my never ending humor brings a smile to the most of my companyworkers faces.

I have enclosed my current CV and a letter of introduction from my employer at Tooth Fairy Inc.

In cause of an interview I am avaiable mostly afternoons monday to friday. I would be greatful to work at your company. Thank you for your concideration.


Yours sincerely

Leila Swartling


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