CISV is an organization that works for peace in a peculiar way. Doris Allen, a child psychologist, thought that peace is a process and that it should start with children. In 1951 she arranged the first summer village in USA with children from eight countries. She intended to make a connection between the children and with that a connection between the cultures.

Today CISV operates in more than 60 countries and since 1951 over 190,000 people have participated in international activities. Here in Sweden we have several national camps each year, and regional camps and projects are even more common.

CISV believes in "learning by doing". That is when children are given the opportunity to learn out of experience. When friends are made you can understand their cultures better than if you where learning about them sitting in a desk listening to your teacher. In that way CISV also contribute a non-violence conflict resolution: you do not want to fight your friends.

CISV categorize their standpoints into four keystones: sustainable development, diversity, conflict & resolution and human rights.

Do you want to make a change? There are many unoccupied volunteer jobs that involve new friends, new experiences and on top of all a new point of view.

Postat av: Björn

Wohoo! I knew it, and I would've written about CISV too, no doubt!

If anyone else is reading this; teacher, relative or friend: Do it! You will get more out of a four week camp than you will during that whole year!

2010-02-11 @ 17:20:22
Postat av: Gabban

add a link to the website! :D

2010-02-11 @ 18:01:22
Postat av: CG

Very nice formal post! Explanatory and well written. Now I don't have to wonder about CISV anymore xD

2010-02-12 @ 09:58:31
Postat av: CG

Speaking of nothing... You need to give me the picture of that hawk from today! SRSly! xD

2010-02-16 @ 22:48:55

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