A crazy, amazing, spectacular, magnificent blogpost


This is the hardest part of this whole thing; to know what to write about. Some kind of animal, my day, an artist or something else. I can write about my day, it's not going to be that inspiring or interesting but I'm sorry, you have to put with it.

I woke up 8 o'clock, rose and got dressed. After the breakfast I began to write my to-do-list:
-Pack (I'm going to Stockholm this weekend, Me and my friend Fidelie have organized a camp that comes off tomorrow! It's within CISV, the organization I wrote about in the former formal post.)
-Write two blogposts (I'm a little embarrassed I haven't done it yet. It happens every time when there's a deadline in some kind of school stuff, you do the mayor part of it the night before handing in.)
-Read the swedish-book (I have read less than a fourth and we will discuss the books tomorrow...)
-Tidy up my room (That's not on the top of my priority-list but, unfortunately it has to be done)

Lets see.... I have done NOTHING of that yet.

Things I HAVE done is to take my dog Sirro out for a walk, see my sisters teatrical performance, freeze my ass off, be happy and to pep up (the camp is going to be exactly as the heading; crazy, amazing, spectacular, magnificent and so on). When I got home from school today I ate dinner and fell asleep, one hour ago I woke up and thought that: Maybe I should begin with my to-do-list. And that is what I am doing right this second.... and this second.... and this second. Don't you think I am an orderly and methodical little girl? (A)

I have an idea.... do you want to know what it is? OK here's the idea:
I will continue to write blogposts on this blog also after the deadline (in english of course).
To be honest with you; I don't think I'm going to manage doing that but I will try.

Other things I want to do but don't have the self-contol to do:
-Stop eating cakes, icecream, candy and similar
-Begin to train
-Get up in the morning early enough to be able to WALK to the bus and not RUN.

I don't think you want to read more of this crap but it's accually kind of fun to write, in spite of the fact that I don't write anything worth writing (or reading) about.

Hugs and kisses, (maybe not kisses, possibly a kiss on the cheek)


Postat av: Ellen

Great and truly entertaining writing! Good job girl! =)

2010-02-26 @ 12:50:55

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