I am Jack's wasted life

My inspiration is hiding somewhere far away from me.

Last week Gabban got a fixed idea and contacted a wrestlingclub. Now she doesn't talk about anything else except their amazing muscels. Today she told me that one of the guys had a crazy haircut and when she explained to me how it looked like I disclosured that it was just like my favourite haircut! I LOVE it! This is one type:

My first lession today is in two hours. I went here (to Midgård) because I have to do some homework, but it doesn't work out very well... Actually I have read some spanich... that's more than nothing... or maybe you could say: less is more ;)

It's so hard to figure out what to write about!

I can write about the title of this blogpost:
I am Jack's wasted life is a movie quote from my favourite movie of all times, Fight Club. The main character (they never really say his name and I don't want to ruin the miraculous perfect ending) and Tyler Durden (you could call him the main characters friend) live together in a condemned house. In the basement the main character finds a children's book with pictures and sentences like: I am Jack's eyes, I help Jack to see. And so on.
In the rest of the movie they use this as an insider joke. I am Jack's nipples. I am Jack's tumour. I am Jack's broken heart. I am Jack's complete lack of suprise.

A movie I've seen recently is Avatar, by James Cameron. He have also made (among other things) Alien, Titanic and all the Terminator movies. James Cameron is good at what he's doing. Imagine, all of the movies he has ever made have become famous. If you haven't seen Avatar yet, see it now :) I have seen it two times 3D on the cinema, and I could waste 150 kr to see it one more time. 

One question: Should i write Movie or Film?

Is this enough? I don't know how much I should write. However, I figured out it's not that hard to write. Presumably I have plenty of grammar and spelling errors (maybe that was one of them, can you write spelling errors?) but I am trying.

And I have figured out a subject to the formal writing thing: CISV! You're looking forward to that don't you? :D

Love <3

Postat av: Gabban

i guess it's just a miss, but you wrote spanich instead of spanish. and "children's book" = children is book.

Sounds great! CISV is great! Andd briliand, I still don't know what to write about ( not CISV, maybe wrestling?! But I don't know very much about it)


2010-02-04 @ 17:22:40
URL: http://sandigt.blogg.se/english
Postat av: Gabban


2010-02-04 @ 17:23:11
URL: http://sandigt.blogg.se/english
Postat av: CG

Now... I could point out a few mistakes in here. Quite a few, truth be told.

First off... What Gabb'n says is incorrect. "Children's book" does not necessarily mean "children is book" (that sounds dumb, doesn't it), but can be used as a possessive to signify that it is a book belonging to or made for children. Hence, what you wrote is correct.

Second off... Who on earth would have a haircut like that while wrestling? This makes no sense in my poor head.

Third off... I think you should vary. You don't need to stick to either film nor movie.

Fourth... What is CISV?

I am Jack's perfectionism.

2010-02-09 @ 20:04:05
URL: http://grayercommunism.blogspot.com

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