
Ok! I am BEAWESOME soooooooo : that is the ((PERFECT)) name of the blogg! I'm already halfway to blondinbella ;D

My teacher is going to grade this so maby it's better to write about nice and good stuff, like: today I baked some bread to my sick mother, or maby I always go to bed before ten o'clock. But no, I don't, but I DO bake bread time to time.

This is (as you can see) the first post in my blogg, and I don't want any grades on this one ;)

In 4 weeks i'm gonna write about me, myself and I (and various other things, some texts are going to be in "formal writing" and some are going to be like this one!)

See you soon? ;D

Postat av: ellen

good :) but remember maybe is spelled with a y ;)

2010-02-02 @ 10:05:32
Postat av: CG

Aiming for blondinbella is not a goal.

There are a few spelling and grammar errors, but most of them can be handled by getting Firefox and a spelling dictionary.

One phrase should be "FROM time to time" rather than "time to time".

Aside, it's good stuff! Looking forward to further posts!


2010-02-03 @ 10:56:24

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